Monday, December 14, 2009


It was an ordinary day for me nothing much to boast about so went out for a stroll and came across a playground where small kids were practising under a coach.

The usual net sessions were going on, it reminded me of my days when things were similar – the usual jogging session followed by warm ups and finally the nets. The sessions started as a batsman walked into the nets and took guard and bowling to him was a tall lanky lean guy who had the luck of getting a new ball, down he came sprinting and hurled his first one at a pretty good speed but the batsman was too good for him. Smack! And the ball sped away past the bowler.

The coach cheered the batsman and the bowler got a pat and was told to put that cherry in the right place, he went back and started the process all over again. For the next few deliveries the bowler didn’t face much success as the batsman just took him for a grand beating. Now came the adrenaline, this time he extended his run up, clasped the ball tightly in his hands, fixed his eyes at the batsman, and started charging. All he needed was the speed …yes the need for speed and bang he hits the bulls eye and the stumps uprooted from the ground and the celebration was a spectacle – a real good spectacle.

It happens everytime when the fast gets going when there is this need for speed it’s always a spectacle.
Fast bowlers are never made or sculpted - they are born. Fast bowling is a natural art, although hard work and determination improves it but the fact is “once a fastie always a fastie”. I have always felt the need to understand what goes on in the mind and psyche of a fast bowler as he is such an indispensible part of the team, there are expectations from everywhere to deliver, to take wickets and yes the expectation to rip off the speedometer.

Aggression is one of the main ingredients of the fast bowlers. Talent and, yes, it has to be used or applied with care as i’ts also a double edged sword. Fasties can never afford to be mild and calm as aggression drives them inspires them and also sometimes sadly breaks them. There is always this intent to perform and deliver that makes the fastie charged up and, well, all I can say the bottom lime is about the speed.

Any fast bowler anywhere in the world wants to bowl at a freaking speed and break the stumps into pieces and he wants it every time … every single time.
The fasties are married to labour, sweat, glamour and pain and never can escape these which follow them right through their career. They start with it and end with it. It is also sad that they have a very short shelf life and once that fizz is out you are just any other bowler, just any other person. Saying that one must also see that fast bowling is not easy, it looks glamorous and rewarding when everything goes your way but when things change they really change badly.

My heart went out to Stuart Broad when he was clobbered for six sixes in one single over and I am sure he might get nightmares even today about that. Your self-confidence gets shattered, your psyche gets disturbed and, well, you carry that tag almost your entire life. But fasties have heart of gold and that can be seen as the same guy has come back strongly and has not only given his country the Ashes but also has shown to the cricketing world that I may be wounded but I am not hurt I may lost but I may not give up, the essentials of a fastie.

I have to say this whilst all cricket being played all round the world one misses the thrill or goosebumps of a Shoaib Akhtar or the rampage of Brett Lee.. he still has not fazed out but injuries have taken its toll.. the swing of Akram or the toe crushing yorkies of Waqar. We want those days back we want those moments back, those inswinging yorkers, those outswingers which become a formality to the slip cordon, those earth shattering and helmet shattering bouncers, we want them all back and I hope the new players give us those moments back.

I will always say being a fast bowler is difficult but to bowl fast consistently is even more difficult, but who cares as Tom Cruise says “I feel the need –The need for speed”.. the spirit always remains. Generations have changed and so has the game but one thing has not and will not —-The Need for Speed..
Speed means this.

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